
Dimitris Kapetanou – Human Rights

Everything good works positively. 

Everything good works for everyone. 


Thessaloniki, Greece

Dimitrios Kapetanou

Dimitris Kapetanou has graduated from the School of Political Sciences of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and currently is studying Visual and Applied Arts at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the same institution. Furthermore, he is starting his postgraduate education at the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki “Art and Public Sphere”, at the direction of “Historical, Political and Interpretive Exploration of Art”. Moreover, he is a volunteer at the architectural tour organization “Open House Thessaloniki” and is also knows Braille writing and reading. Due to his studies in Humanities he chooses topics that revolve around social issues, while placing man at the center of his artwork

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Everything good works positively. 

Everything good works for everyone. 

Everything good supports a change, which favors situations and groups that they are  suffering. 

Everything good must be accepted by people. 

Everything good don’t knows everyone. 

Everything good changes the world. 

Everything good has many forms. 

Everything good contains art. 

Everything good is fine art…..

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Thessaloniki, Greece


Human Rights, March 2021

27 Driopon 6946846361

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