I think that if art could change the world so many centuries ago, that change would have taken
place and we would know a lot about it. Art is a living creature, like us, animals, trees, art can only
be in solidarity with the other creatures around it, asking questions, magnifying narratives and
transmitting them to more and more eyes and ears. Art can speak openly in a secret universal
language, and as much as this may seem like a luxury, it is also more necessary than ever. We
need the sensitivity of creators, the love for the life and things of artists, the give and take of a
creator with the people around him. In essence, we need that open dialogue where everyone can
add their own piece and the puzzle fits everyone in whenever it is completed. Otherwise we hope
all these little pieces that everyone adds will create a work of art in constant evolution that fits
them all. Human rights is what it is. A constant struggle, hand in hand with diversity that opens its
arms more and more to embrace more and more people and ultimately to justify and make visible
all those forgotten in the course of the hegemony of the few and powerful. Human rights are the
right and obligation of every creature and ultimately of every human being for the benefit of all
living creatures.