Patras, Greece
Maria Milona (Ryma Lyma)
Express yourself honestly and you’ll probably save the world.
Rima Lyma aka Maria Mylona is an illustrator, a graphic designer and a muralist. She was born in Patras GR and because the city had a port her dream is to see the world. She studied in AKTO college in Athens GR and she received a Bachelor Degree in Graphic Design in 2012. Rima lives and works in Athens. Since 2012 she has worked as a freelance graphic designer and artist in a variety of projects. Such as branding for small businesses, festivals and theatrical posters. In 2016 started as an outworker in Sianti Gallery (Athens, GR) in multiple projects on social media and graphic design projects. Also, besides art, she writes poems and articles and has her own radio show. Since 2019 she works almost exclusively as an illustrator and muralist. She has some beautiful collaborations with foundations, festivals, companies and press. She works in analog and digital ways. Either way her colors are bold and eccentric, colors that have their origins into carnival as it is celebrated for ages in the city she was born. Her visual language is spoken through a child’s eyes. Her themes are about daydreaming and reminiscing. She starts by depicting a memory and she discovers the way this memory is connected to the present. Her art aims to relax the viewer, soothe, reward and eve acquit. She makes art for the child we all have inside us, she makes art because that’s all she knows, she makes art for Santa Claus who may exist. For the power of our fragile nature that can become the driving force of today.
Languages:Greek, English, French