Panos Kampylis
Human rights are fundamental values for the prosperity of the human life on earth and should be held without saying. On the contrary we see every day many examples of human rights violation. I strongly believe that the h.r should not be just in the form of rules with serious penalties but as an organised system that educates people (beginning from the early years of school) to live and cope with each other. Unfortunately as the supporters of h.r evolve so do the very many occasions they are trampled. (Wars, holy religious wars, refugees, torture of innocent or not, people by police , secret intelligence services, govs etc, rapes, killings, abductions, racist and sexist behaviours, sex violence, lgbtq discrimination and many more). So the least we can do is to educate ourselves and those close to us as individuals and our communities and next generations collectively, in order to reduce these phenomenons and be ready to defend against anyone who tries to violate them. Last but not least we should consider updating the h.r regulations because its living and should be evolve as society evolves, as the institutions and ways that defend them.