Panos Kampylis
Human rights are fundamental values for the prosperity of the human life on earth and should be held without saying.
Anna Giannopoulou
Can art talk about human rights? In the evolutionary stages of the mortal race, man sought to maintain, secure, and improve his life. Initially, he met his basic needs, those that were necessary for his survival, such as housing, clothing, food,
Maria Fragoudaki
Παρότι η ίδια η τέχνη δεν μπορεί κατά κυριολεξία να αλλάξει τον κόσμο, μπορεί να μας αλλάξει σε ατομικό επίπεδο: να μας διδάξει, να μας κάνει πιο ανεκτικούς.